A recent paper details the data collection methodology for the 2023 Sudan Rural Household Survey (SRHS), the first comprehensive survey of rural households in Sudan following the violent conflict that erupted in April 2023. Conducted by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Food Program (WFP), the SRHS represents a significant effort to understand the dynamics of rural households in Sudan during this period of intense nationwide conflict.
The survey focuses on critical themes central to household welfare, including food security, coping strategies, employment and income, livelihoods, assets, market access, and exposure to shocks. Using computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) methods, the survey navigated the challenges of data collection in a conflict setting, demonstrating the adaptability and potential of innovative research methodologies.
As the first round in a planned panel survey program, the SRHS aims to establish a baseline of rural life, economic activities, and food security in Sudan. Panel survey data offers invaluable information to counter several analytical biases inherent to conclusions drawn from other data structures. Subsequent rounds of the SRHS are planned for the second and fourth quarters of 2024, providing ongoing insights into the evolving conditions of rural households in Sudan.
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